Monday, December 22, 2008

Best. Winter. Ever.

I love the snow! Weeeeee! There's so much, it's crazy. I missed this last year. I didn't miss all of the douchebags that don't know how to drive in it, but that's another thing entirely. I wish it was closer to 32 degrees so that the snow would be better for packing, but I'm determined to make the biggest snowman ever regardless. It shall be done! But I might also settle for a vast array of smaller snowmen that one can easily cleave in twain by means of a claymore.

In other news, I now possess a device that is capable of capturing a portion of the visible light spectrum and rendering it as a 2-dimensional grid of approximately eight million points of red, blue, and green. I used it a ton at the bar the other night; its so nice to have one. It's so small and easy to use. Now I will have an endless supply of pictures with which to employ my crude photoshopping skills on. Unfortunately, I am not always motivated enough to post a hilarious or inspiring image with my posts. It's, like, 2 in the morning. Get off my back.

I am getting so unbelievably sick of all of this christmas music. Not only do I hear the same few sogs over and over again, but they are often sang by children. Come on! Kids can't sing, they just shout in unison. And if one actually can sing, then they're an annoying little prick anyway. And that one damned radio station, that my sister listens to, has all of these inane segments where they interview the stupidest kids in America about christmas. They asked this one kid what his most memorable christmas was, and the stupid little bastard says something like, "One year, I walked down stairs and saw, like, a hundred presents; and a bunch of them were for me!" Jesus fucking christ! That's your awesome christmas anecdote!?! You once got presents? I'm so glad I lost 30 seconds of my life hearing some incompetent shit relate a common ocurrance as if it was an earth shattering event. I suppose it's possible that he had never recieved more than a sandwhich for christmas before then, but nothing of the sort was mentioned. I can only assume that this kid is so dull that the most meaningful thing to him is the mindless consumption of a pile of gifts.

And some other kid was asked what the one thing that she would want to say to Santa was. Would she ask him how he gets to every house in one night? Or where he gets his food from since he lives at the north pole? Maybe she would just like to thank him for all of him hard work and all of the presets he selflessly provides her with. No. Given the chance to meet Santa and say one thing, she chose, "HEEEEEY SAAANTAAAA!" Are you kidding me? Not only is that the stupidest choice ever, but some asshole at the radio station thought it was adorable enough to play over the air. I'm so glad that I'm not subjected to the radio very often; It's practically unbearable at this time of year.

I seem to have gotten sidetracked. If I were to sum up my feelings right now, you'd get:
I love the snow.
I have a camera.
I hate children.
I want to go sledding tomorrow.

1 comment:

shauna said...

The other night was super fun, I hope you enjoyed looking back on those photos.
You and Deanna should come to cookie day today.