Thursday, January 29, 2009

I'm not alone

I stumbled across an article today that would've been fairly interesting, but became much more so because of a single part of a sentence within it. The article was about a "Scientific attempt to create the most annoying song ever". Such an article piqued my interest, naturally, as I have not been silent about my distaste for the singing of children. As I read further into the article, wondering what the rest of humanity finds repulsive in music, I blissfully read the following words:

"undesirable elements included holiday music, bagpipes, pipe organ, a children's chorus and the concept of children in general..."

A hahahha haha!!! I'm not the only one who hates children singing, its generally accepted now. I don't have to feel like a bad person for hating children (I didn't anyway); its not me, its science.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I've studied all your moves, baby!

Winning at chess feels good. When your oh so clever strategy plays out beautifully, thereby bringing about the destruction of your opponent's dreams, it's orgasmic! But what's even better than that? Dominating the same person twice in a row. How does it feel Doug? One would've expected you to learn from your mistakes in the first game, but your second was even more pitiful. I almost felt sorry killing your queen with a pawn, almost. I think maybe next time we play, I'll give you some kid of handicap or something. Perhaps I could start with only a pawn, and you could have 10 queens. It might be about even then. Who knows? Regardless, I hope that your appetite for pain is not yet sated; I still have a hankering for some chess.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Business? It's taken care of.

It is nice to be home. Got to sleep in my comfy bed with my comfy wife and catch up on all of the sleep I missed. What to do know? I kind of feel like hanging out with people, but I think I'd rather do as little as possible for a day. I'm getting old; can't handle that intensity without some recuperation time. I would like to do a podcast though, there's so much to sort through after the past week. I'm glad I decided to go at the last second, otherwise I would have missed all of the building, dancing, drinking, cooking, walking, and all around silliness. But most of all, I would've missed this:

Ah, memories...